March 01, 2009


blogsphemy \blŏgs-fə-mē\

An insult to the Gods of the blogosphere.

Things that may construe a blogsphemy include (but are not limited to):
1. Talking about one's own blog in a blog post
2. Reading a blog that talks about itself in a blog post
3. Trying to squeeze that one last bit of humour out of self-reference
4. Inserting a Google AdSense box on one's blog, hoping that someone will click the ads and in the process earn one an extra 20 cents.


  1. There was an article in Readers' Digest some decades ago with such words. I recall the following:

    Edgehog - a person who sits at the edge seat (near the aisle) in a theatre when all seats inside are free, causing trouble to all who need to get past him.

    Tortune - song that keeps playing in your head repeatedly and not possible to get rid of.

  2. Yes, I think I recall that article you talk of. I can remember another particularly good one from there:

    MarthinLuthers - the clothes that you still keep in your wardrobe, hoping that one day they'll fit you again .
    (As in "I have a dream...")

  3. There was another one i remember-

    Penultimatum - "i'm going to tell you this just one more time..."

  4. blogsphemy (contd.)
    5. ridiculing the blogger in comments to his own post, e.g. "politeeshan: ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? (I don't know the definition right now, but I will find out tomorrow)"

  5. politeeshan - etymology: Lat. Polite + Name. Eeshan.

    Why, thank you! And while we're on the topic of tomorrow, I shall be glad to give up the 'Polite' tag and be rather rude to you.
    (Useful Tip: I can always be bribed with a tuna treat)

  6. That opens doors to infinite possibilities. Many of these can be bettered a great deal.

    apaireeshan - an extra image of the (specific) blogger seen alongside the original when really drunk with him

    parteeshan - pertaining to a shared blog or, otherwise, a treat you decline to go to (probably for fear of that scary ghost you saw last time)

    peteeshan - praise the blogger with hope of getting a treat in the canteen later
    (to compensate for that great treat you declined)

    proposeeshan - act really gay with the blogger

    neutereeshan - feed the blogger some sterilizing drug
    (don't be shocked at the change of attitude, there are good days and there are bad days)

    igneeshan - the blogger getting an idea for an Ig Nobel

    repeteeshan - make another attempt to get that canteen treat
