May 08, 2009



The situation where one isn't allowed to access the internet for a two month period, because one doesn't spend enough time with one's family, consequently causing one's blog to take a two-month hiatus.

And you know why you aren't laughing? Because it isn't funny! Aargh!

April 28, 2009

Pole Vault

pole vault\'pōl-vlt\

The place where Santa keeps all the presents till Christmas

April 27, 2009


wristwatch \'rist-ˌwäch\

A gadget often worn by students on their wrists to help them keep track of which lecture they are currently late for.

April 24, 2009

Shoe Polish

shoe polish\ˈʃu-po-lɪʃ\

What one says when one wants the strange man from Poland to go away.

April 21, 2009


detergent \dɪˈ-tɜr-dʒənt\
noun. verb intransitive.

n. An extremely repulsive woman.
v.i. What such a woman does

Wordplay that I wouldn't care to explain. Hyak Hyak.

April 18, 2009


ellip \ɪˈlɪp\

A punctuation mark denoted by two consecutive dots, '..', used most commonly in chat windows, and signifying a lapse of time for which the user could not trace the whereabouts of his/her brain.

Etymology, for the punctuationally challenged: Ellipsis - A punctuation mark denoted by '...'

April 11, 2009


photographee \fəˈtɒg-rə-fi\

One of those strange people who agree to get photographed so that manufacturers would have something to put in the
photo sections of brand-new wallets, picture frames and photo albums.

April 03, 2009


beersight \'bɪər-saɪt\

The horizon to which one can see when one is drunk. It is found to vary from zero to the distance to the region between the neck and the abdomen of the nearest female among men; And is firmly fixed at the date of the wedding ceremony for women.

SOCIAL TIP: Beersightedness, though not a medical defect of the eye, is a perfectly valid excuse to throw up on absolutely anyone's perfectly wonderful evening dress.

March 27, 2009


seminar \ˈse-mə-ˌnär\
noun. singular. plural: seminarse

Collective noun representative of a work/things that can not be completed on time.

"I got assigned a seminar of assignments today"
"Projects, quiz preparation, PAF... I've got seminarse of stuff this week!"

Old English seminar: a group of advanced students studying under a professor with each doing original research.

March 23, 2009


apostrofee \ə-ˈpäs-trə-fi\

A penalty that must be paid for the misu'se of the holy punctuation mark. Depending on the company one keep's, this may vary from a kick in the genitalia, to permanent banishment from any possible written social interaction in the future.

Note: There isn't really a law about this as of now, but the lobbyists are getting stronger.
Subliminal Message: Join us.

March 14, 2009


boyzone \'bɔ̇i-zōn\

The aura that emanates from a freshie and discourages all productive thinking.

(with capital B)
A group of males who think that their unnaturally arranged hair and unbearably clean-shaven chests entitle them to make a living out of singing.

March 09, 2009


nickotime \'nɪk-o-taɪm\

(not to be confused with nicotine, which is a pleasant-ish drug)
The amount of time by which the pizza delivery guy manages to beat the thirty minute rule.

March 05, 2009


flik \ˈflik\
noun. abbreviation.

Stands for funny little kid.
The guy who stands at any congregation of people (say, election result announcement), trying to make sense of the ongoing conversation among those around him (say, election result speculation), and will jump and cheer when any small or large section of the gathering jumps and cheers (say, at the unexpected appearance of Tara Reid to announce the election results in place of the election officers)

March 01, 2009


blogsphemy \blŏgs-fə-mē\

An insult to the Gods of the blogosphere.

Things that may construe a blogsphemy include (but are not limited to):
1. Talking about one's own blog in a blog post
2. Reading a blog that talks about itself in a blog post
3. Trying to squeeze that one last bit of humour out of self-reference
4. Inserting a Google AdSense box on one's blog, hoping that someone will click the ads and in the process earn one an extra 20 cents.

February 27, 2009


magnetagram /ˈmæg-nɛtəˌgram/

A sign that takes on an entirely new meaning when a magnetic letter falls off

I am a brass-bound, copper-riveted, twenty-year old with some experience with the obscure, but I cannot, at this moment, recall an example. Do make up one for yourself.

February 25, 2009


schlumdog /ʃlʌm-dog/
noun. off.
Someone who gets placed before anyone else does, owing to his 9-point CPI.

Word and definition credit: Mukul. Brickbats meant for him shall be promptly returned to you. Praise meant for him - um, nobody ever praises anything here, anyway.

February 21, 2009



. The person who can always be depended on to pay for you when you go dutch.
2. That dumb teller at the bank counter.

February 15, 2009


recursurrection \ri-ˈkər-zə-ˈrekən\
A blog post which would have been very un-funny, had it not mentioned the words 'self-reference'

Also, see this

February 14, 2009


curiosecond \ˈkyu̇r-ēˌō-se-kənd\
the amount of time that elapses between one putting a blog link as one's IM status message and getting the first hit on the blog.

Though there has been no thorough study conducted on this topic, and though the values of a curiosecond depend on a number of factors, the very lowest values a curiosecond are undeniably observed in the middle of an exam season.

And, right about now, it reached its lowest value ever, owing, probably, to an acute Hey-it's-Valentine's-Day-and-I-have-nothing-better-to-do-so-let's-click-this-link syndrome.

February 13, 2009


swurpsh \ˈswərpʃ\

1 the very first sip of a cup of coffee, tea or any other extremely hot beverage, taken without prior knowledge of its hotn
2 the
sound made in such a process